What is a "mango"?
Mango is a tropical fruit renowned for its luscious and succulent flesh. With a vibrant orange or yellow hue, it captivates with its enticing aroma and sweet, tangy taste. Each bite of a ripe mango reveals a juicy and fibrous texture that is both refreshing and indulgent. Whether enjoyed on its own, blended into smoothies, or incorporated into various culinary creations, mango brings a burst of tropical delight, evoking images of sunny beaches and warm summer days. Its versatility and mouthwatering flavor have made it a beloved fruit around the world.
Creating a homemade face mask using mango can be a cost-effective option for skincare.
I like to freeze mango chunks for a cool, refreshing snack.
Including mangoes in your diet can provide a boost of vitamins and antioxidants.
आम, आम का पेड़
large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit
आम जैसा, गर्म संतरे का
having a warm, rich, and vibrant orange-yellow color reminiscent of the ripe fruit it is named after
She chose a mango dress for the summer party, adding a pop of color to the gathering.
The mango throw pillows on the sofa added a touch of warmth to the living room.
The artist used mango tones to capture the vividness of a tropical sunset in the painting.

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