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What is a "daddy longlegs"?
A daddy longlegs, also known as a crane fly, is a slender insect that resembles large mosquitoes but is not closely related. They have long legs and wings and are often seen flying around in grassy areas. Unlike mosquitoes, crane flies do not bite or feed on blood. They primarily feed on nectar and other plant materials. Despite their similar appearance, it's important to differentiate between the two organisms when referring to "daddy longlegs."
What is a "daddy longlegs"?
A daddy longlegs, also known as harvestmen, is a type of arachnid characterized by its long, thin legs and compact body. Despite its name, it is not a true spider. Daddy longlegs is found in various habitats worldwide and play a beneficial role by feeding on small insects and decaying organic matter. They are often recognized for their distinctive appearance and delicate movements. While they may resemble spiders, daddy longlegs lacks venom glands and fangs, making them harmless to humans.