tortilya, tortiyang Mexicano
What is "tortilla"?
Tortilla is a type of thin, flatbread that is popular in Mexican and Central American cuisine. It is made from a mixture of wheat or corn flour, water, and salt, which is then kneaded into a smooth dough. The dough is then divided into small portions, which are rolled out into thin, circular disks and cooked on a hot griddle or comal until they become slightly charred and pliable. Tortillas are often used as a base for many dishes such as tacos, quesadillas, or burritos, and can also be filled with a variety of ingredients such as meat, beans, cheese, or vegetables. They are a versatile bread that can be flavored with additional ingredients, such as herbs or spices, and can also be used as a wrap for sandwiches or as a base for pizzas. Tortillas are a beloved staple of Mexican and Central American cuisine and can be found in many restaurants and homes in those regions.