to spy
to secretly observe someone
Transitive: to spy on sb
During the Cold War, intelligence agencies would spy on rival nations to gather classified information.
Private investigators may be hired to spy on individuals for legal or investigative purposes.
Companies may use surveillance cameras to spy on employees for security reasons.
to see or glimpse something briefly or from a distance
Transitive: to spy sb/sth
She spied a bird perched on the windowsill while she was working.
I spied him across the room and waved to get his attention.
He spied a hidden message written on the back of the envelope.
to secretly gather information about enemies, competitors, or others
Intransitive: to spy for sb | to spy on an enemy or rival
During the Cold War, many people were recruited to spy for their countries.
The government suspected that several employees were secretly spying for foreign intelligence agencies.
The diplomat was accused of spying for a foreign power.
someone who is employed by a government to obtain secret information on another person, country, company, etc.
The spy used hidden cameras to gather intelligence on the enemy ’s activities.
The spy's mission was to uncover secrets that could influence international relations.
She read a novel about a spy who went undercover to thwart a major heist.
a secret watcher; someone who secretly watches other people

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