to ignore
بیتوجهی کردن, نادیده گرفتن
to intentionally pay no or little attention to someone or something
Transitive: to ignore sth
Despite the repeated warnings, he chose to ignore the safety guidelines.
The teacher had to address the student who continued to ignore the classroom rules.
It 's important not to ignore the early signs of a potential problem for timely resolution.
رد کردن
to dismiss or disregard a formal accusation or charge, typically because it lacks sufficient evidence or merit
Transitive: to ignore an indictment
The judge ignored the indictment, stating there was no credible evidence to support the charge.
The court ignored the bill of indictment, as it was deemed baseless.
The prosecutor chose to ignore the indictment, feeling the case lacked any real substance.
نادیده گرفتن
to overlook or neglect something important or noteworthy
Transitive: to ignore something important
He ignored the warning signs and continued driving despite the storm.
The company ignored the feedback from customers, which affected their sales.
Despite the urgent need, they ignored the issue until it became a crisis.
خود را به ندانستن زدن
to fail to acknowledge or consider a crucial element or perspective in an argument or theory
Transitive: to ignore an aspect or detail
The theory ignores the impact of climate change on the region's economy.
The report ignores key data that could change the interpretation of the results.
His argument ignores the complexities of the situation and simplifies the issue too much.