What is a "barracks"?
A barracks is a building or group of buildings used to house soldiers or other military personnel. These structures are typically simple, functional, and designed to accommodate large numbers of people. Barracks often include shared rooms or dormitory-style living spaces, as well as common areas for eating, recreation, and other activities. They are usually located near military bases or training grounds. The purpose of a barracks is to provide a place for soldiers to live, rest, and prepare for their duties, often with basic facilities to support their needs.
a temporary or makeshift housing for groups of people, such as workers, refugees, or disaster victims, often characterized by basic and communal living conditions
What is a "barracks"?
A barracks is a type of building used to provide temporary housing for groups of people, often in situations where there is a need for quick, basic shelter. It usually consists of simple, shared living spaces with minimal privacy, designed to accommodate many individuals in a communal setting. Barracks are commonly used for workers, refugees, or those affected by disasters, offering essential shelter with limited amenities. The focus is on providing safe, practical living arrangements during times of need, rather than comfort or long-term residence.