پرسنل, کارکنان
a group of people who work for a particular company or organization
All staff members are required to attend the meeting.
He thanked the staff for their hard work and dedication.
Our company is hosting a party for the staff next week.
حامل (موسیقی)
a set of five horizontal lines and the blank space between them on which a musical composition is written according to a pitch
What is a "staff"?
In music, a staff is a set of five horizontal lines and four spaces where musical notes and symbols are written. The staff helps musicians read and write music by providing a framework for indicating the pitch of notes. Each line and space represents a different musical pitch, with the position of the note on the staff showing its specific sound. The staff can also include additional symbols like clefs, key signatures, and time signatures to further guide the performance of the music.
عصا, چوب مناسب
a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose
کادر آموزشی, پرستاران
the body of teachers and administrators at a school
عصا, چوب
a rod carried as a symbol
گچ و موی, چسب گچ
building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decoration
to staff
کارمندان را استخدام کردن, پرسنل را تأمین کردن
to provide with employees for a particular purpose, position, or task
Transitive: to staff a team or position
The newly opened restaurant is looking to staff its kitchen with experienced chefs.
The company is actively staffing its customer service department to handle increased demand.
The project manager is responsible for staffing the project team with skilled individuals.
پرسنل گذاری کردن, تیمسازی کردن
to work as part of the team responsible for running or supporting an organization, event, or operation
Transitive: to staff an event or operation
The volunteers staffed the charity event with enthusiasm and dedication.
He staffed the front desk at the hotel during the busy holiday season.
A group of doctors staffed the emergency clinic after the disaster.

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