توازن آوایی, همآوایی
the use of similar vowels close to each other in nonrhyming syllables as a literary device
What is "assonance"?
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within closely positioned words in a sentence or phrase, creating a harmonious effect. It often occurs in poetry and prose to add rhythm, mood, or musicality to the writing. For example, in the phrase "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain", the repetition of the "a" sound in "rain", "Spain", "stays", and "plain" demonstrates assonance. This technique helps to enhance the auditory experience of the text and can emphasize particular emotions or themes.
The poet used assonance to create a melodic effect in the verse.
The assonance in the line " The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain " is memorable.
Assonance can enhance the mood of a poem when used effectively.

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