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What is "Graham bread"?
Graham bread is a type of bread that is made from whole wheat flour that has been coarsely ground, resulting in a denser texture and a nutty flavor. It is named after Sylvester Graham, a 19th-century health reformer who promoted a diet made up of whole grains and vegetables. Graham bread is often sweetened with honey or molasses, which gives it a slightly sweet taste and a darker color. It is a healthier alternative to more processed breads like white bread, as it is higher in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Graham bread is a popular choice for those who want a nutritious and filling bread, and is often used for making sandwiches or toast. It can be found in many grocery stores and bakeries, or can be made at home using a variety of recipes and techniques. Graham bread is a tasty and healthy bread that is a great addition to any meal.