to rap
golpear, dar un golpe
to hit sharply, often with a quick and forceful motion
Transitive: to rap sth
The teacher rapped the desk with a ruler to get the students' attention.
El maestro golpeó el escritorio con una regla para llamar la atención de los estudiantes.
The parent rapped the counter with a spoon to call the family to dinner.
El padre dio un golpe en la mesa con una cuchara para llamar a la familia a cenar.
charlar, hablar
to talk or chat in a relaxed, informal, and often friendly manner
Let 's sit down and rap about what's been going on lately.
Sentémonos y charlemos sobre lo que ha estado pasando últimamente.
We used to sit on the porch and rap for hours about everything under the sun.
Solíamos sentarnos en el porche y charlar durante horas sobre todo lo que se nos ocurría.
rimar, rapear
to speak or chant rhythmically and in a unique style, often accompanied by music
He rapped about his experiences growing up in the inner city.
Él rimó sobre sus experiencias creciendo en la ciudad interior.
She can really rap; her lyrics are powerful and thought-provoking.
Ella realmente puede rapear; sus letras son poderosas y hacen reflexionar.
golpear, dar golpes
to strike something repeatedly against a surface
Complex Transitive: to rap sth on sth
He rapped his fingers on the desk impatiently as he waited for the test results.
Golpeó sus dedos en el escritorio impacientemente mientras esperaba los resultados de la prueba.
The judge rapped his gavel on the bench to restore order in the courtroom.
El juez golpeó su mazo en el estrado para restaurar el orden en la sala de court.
What is "rap"?
Rap is a music genre where artists use rhythmic speech to deliver lyrics in a structured, fast-paced manner. It involves speaking or chanting lyrics in time with a beat, often focusing on topics such as personal experiences, social issues, or storytelling. The music typically features strong, rhythmic beats and can include elements like rhyming and wordplay. Rap is a key component of hip hop culture and is known for its ability to convey emotions and messages through its distinctive vocal style and rhythmic flow.
Rap emerged from the hip-hop movement and has evolved into a dominant musical genre.
The rap battle showcased the lyrical prowess of the competing artists.
reproche, reprensión
a reproach for some lapse or misdeed
golpe, palmada
the act of hitting vigorously
charla, plática
voluble conversation
golpe suave, toque
the sound made by a gentle blow
golpecito, toquecito
a gentle blow

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