Inverted pyramid

Inverted pyramid
αντεστραμμένη πυραμίδα, αναποδογυρισμένη πυραμίδα
a writing and storytelling technique commonly used in journalism, where the most important and essential information is presented at the beginning of a news article, followed by supporting details arranged in descending order of significance
What is the "inverted pyramid"?
The inverted pyramid is a style of writing used in journalism where the most important information is placed at the beginning of a story, followed by supporting details in decreasing order of importance. This structure ensures that readers quickly grasp the key points of the story, even if they do not read the entire article. The most crucial facts, such as who, what, when, where, why, and how, are presented first. Additional details, background information, and less important facts come later, making it easy to shorten the article if needed without losing essential content.
By using the inverted pyramid, the reporter ensured readers understood the story ’s key points right away.
The journalist started the article with the main facts, using the inverted pyramid style.
When writing a report, it helps to use the inverted pyramid method to keep readers' attention.

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