Thirty-second note

Thirty-second note
a note symbol representing a duration equal to one thirty-second of the value of a whole note
What is a "thirty-second note"?
A thirty-second note is a musical symbol that represents a duration equal to one-thirty-second of the length of a whole note. It is drawn as a filled circle with a stem and three flags. This note lasts for one-eighth of the time of a quarter note. Thirty-second notes are used to play very fast and intricate rhythms, allowing for rapid sequences of notes within a measure.
The fast-paced section of the piece featured a flurry of thirty-second notes, showcasing the virtuosity of the performer.
The composer 's use of thirty-second notes added complexity and excitement to the rhythmic texture of the music.
She practiced the passage of thirty-second notes diligently, gradually increasing her speed and accuracy.

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