στρώμα, στρώσεις
a distinct layer or level within a system, often conceived as having depth or hierarchy
a subpopulation divided into a stratified sampling
a group of people with similar social standing, education, or income
a distinct layer or level within a language system, such as different dialects, sociolects, or registers, that are associated with specific social groups, regions, or levels of formality
What is a "stratum"?
In linguistics, a stratum refers to a layer or level within a language that represents a specific historical, social, or linguistic influence. Strata can arise from various sources, such as contact with other languages, social class variations, or regional dialects. Each stratum contributes different vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation features to the overall language, reflecting its evolution and development over time. For example, a language may have layers from indigenous roots, colonial influences, and more recent borrowings, illustrating how different historical and social contexts shape its structure and use. Understanding strata helps linguists analyze language change and diversity.