Jade, Jadegestein
What is "jade"?
Jade is a beautiful and valuable mineral that has been used in jewelry and decorative arts for thousands of years. It is known for its rich green color, although it can also be found in other colors such as white, yellow, and black. Jade is a tough and durable material, making it ideal for carving intricate designs and sculptures. It has been prized for its beauty and cultural significance in many civilizations, including ancient China, where it was believed to have protective and healing properties. Today, jade remains a popular gemstone for jewelry and art pieces, valued for its unique color and cultural significance.
Jade, Jadegrün
Überarbeitete Stute, Alte Stute
Ehebrecherin, Untreue Frau
abnützen, ermüden
ermüden, erschöpfen
jadegrün, jadefarben