What is "dressage"?
Dressage is an equestrian sport where horse and rider perform a series of precise movements, known as "tests," in an arena. The goal is to showcase the horse's training, obedience, and ability to execute movements with smoothness and accuracy. These movements include walking, trotting, turning, and other maneuvers that demonstrate the horse’s responsiveness and the rider’s control. Dressage is often described as "horse dancing" because of its elegance and the harmony between horse and rider. The sport is judged based on how well the movements are performed.
Dressage is a highly skilled equestrian sport where horse and rider perform precise movements and maneuvers.
The dressage competition showcased the harmony and precision between the rider and their horse.
Riders spend years training in dressage to achieve the fluidity and grace required for top-level competitions.

Nahegelegene Wörter