Group project
Gruppenprojekt, Projektarbeit
a collaborative assignment in which multiple individuals work together to achieve a common goal or complete a task
What is a "group project"?
A group project is an assignment where a group of students works together to complete a task or explore a specific topic. It often involves collaboration, where each member of the group contributes their ideas, skills, and efforts to produce a final result, such as a report, presentation, or creative work. Group projects help students develop teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills, as they must work together to share responsibilities, solve challenges, and meet deadlines. The project typically involves joint planning and decision-making to ensure all aspects are covered.
The teacher assigned a group project to encourage teamwork and collaboration among students.
Sarah 's group project focused on researching environmental sustainability practices in their community.
John 's team divided the tasks evenly to complete their group project on time.

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