Viva voce
mündliche Prüfung, Viva voce
an oral examination or discussion, often conducted as part of an academic assessment or defense of a thesis or dissertation
What is a "viva voce"?
A viva voce is an oral examination in which a student is questioned about their work, such as a thesis or dissertation, by a panel of examiners. It is typically conducted after the submission of the written work and allows the student to defend their research, ideas, and conclusions. The viva voce provides an opportunity for the examiners to assess the student's understanding, depth of knowledge, and ability to communicate their findings. It is commonly used in higher education, particularly for doctoral or postgraduate degrees. The student must answer questions and may be asked to clarify or expand on parts of their work.
The doctoral candidate faced a viva voce examination to defend the findings of their research.
The viva voce session provided an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the course material through verbal interaction.
The professor asked probing questions during the viva voce to assess the depth of the student's knowledge and critical thinking skills.
viva voce
mündlich, orally