Flounder tramping
trampování platýse, chytání plochých ryb šlapáním
a traditional method of catching flatfish by treading on them in shallow coastal water
What is "flounder tramping"?
Flounder tramping is a traditional method of catching fish, where a person walks through shallow water, usually at night, to catch flounders by hand. The technique involves slowly moving through the water, often using a light to attract the fish, and feeling around with the feet for the flounders, which tend to lie flat on the bottom. Once a fish is located, the person can scoop it up or trap it by hand. This method requires patience, careful movement, and knowledge of the area, as it is done without using fishing rods or nets.
Every summer, locals gather for the annual flounder tramping competition.
Flounder tramping requires patience and a keen eye for spotting the fish.
The best time for flounder tramping is during low tide.

Blízká Slova