He travels (the) fastest who travels alone
he travels (the) fastest who travels alone
used to imply that individuals who are self-reliant and self-sufficient can make decisions and take action more quickly than those who need to consult with or depend on others
What is the origin of the proverb "he travels fastest who travels alone" and when to use it?
The proverb "he travels fastest who travels alone" originates from Rudyard Kipling's poem 'The Winners,' published in 1892. It emphasizes the value of independence and personal focus, indicating that working alone can sometimes lead to faster progress or greater success. The proverb serves as a reminder that while collaboration can be beneficial, there are times when solitude can offer the freedom necessary to achieve one's objectives more quickly.
She was hesitant to start her own business without a partner, but I reminded her that he travels fastest who travels alone.

Blízká Slova