turné, koncertní šňůra
What is a "tour"?
A tour is a series of performances, such as concerts, shows, or events, conducted by an artist or group at various locations over a period of time. During a tour, the performers travel from city to city, often within a country or internationally, to present their work to different audiences. Tours are usually organized to promote new releases, reach wider audiences, and engage with fans in different regions.
směna, turnus
služba, turnus
turné, cestovní turnaj
What is a "tour"?
A tour is a series of matches or competitions played by a sports team in different locations, often as part of a planned schedule. Teams travel from one place to another, competing against various opponents over a set period. Tours are common in many sports, such as cricket, tennis, or football, and provide teams with the opportunity to play in multiple cities or countries. The goal is usually to win a series of matches and sometimes to promote the sport or the team across different regions.
toulat se, navštívit
turné, túrovat