taffy, cukrovinka
a soft sweet which is made of a thick substance produced by boiling sugar and then flavored
What is "taffy"?
Taffy is a type of soft and chewy candy that is made from sugar, corn syrup, butter, and flavorings. It is typically stretched and pulled to create a light and airy texture, and can be made in a variety of flavors, such as fruit, chocolate, and caramel. Taffy is often associated with seaside resorts and boardwalks, and is a popular treat in many coastal regions. It is often sold in long ropes or sticks and can be twisted and pulled apart to share with friends and family. Taffy can be enjoyed on its own as a sweet and satisfying snack, and is also a popular ingredient in recipes for desserts, such as cakes and pies. It is widely available in grocery stores and specialty stores around the world.