to shimmy
šimrat, tancovat s houpavými pohyby
to dance with lively and vibrant movements, often involving swaying or shaking of the hips or shoulders in a playful or flirtatious manner
The dancers shimmied in unison, creating a mesmerizing display of rhythm and motion.
Tanečníci šimrali v souladu, čímž vytvořili fascinující ukázku rytmu a pohybu.
They shimmy playfully, enjoying the carefree atmosphere of the party.
Hrají si, tancují s houpavými pohyby a užívají si bezstarostnou atmosféru večírku.
třást se, vrtět se
tremble or shake
šimrání, třesení
a dance move characterized by rapid shaking or oscillation of the shoulders or hips, often used as a form of expression or celebration
What is a "shimmy"?
A shimmy is a dance move where the dancer rapidly shakes or wiggles their shoulders or hips. This movement involves a quick, repetitive motion that creates a rhythmic and vibrant effect. The shimmy is often used in various dance styles, including jazz, belly dance, and swing, to add energy and flair to the performance. It can be performed in place or while moving across the floor, contributing to the overall expressiveness and excitement of the dance.
The dancer impressed the audience with her energetic shimmy, infusing the performance with a burst of excitement and rhythm.
Tanečnice ohromila publikum svým energickým šimráním, čímž naplnila představení výbuchem vzrušení a rytmu.
In salsa dancing, the shimmy adds flair to the movements, creating a dynamic and vibrant atmosphere on the dance floor.
V tanci salsa dodává šimrání pohybům šmrnc a vytváří na tanečním parketu dynamickou a živou atmosféru.
spodní šaty, šaty na dojné
a woman's sleeveless undergarment
nesouměrnost, kolísání
an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle (especially in the front wheels)

Blízká Slova