zpravodaj, novinky
a regularly distributed publication that provides news, updates, and information about a specific topic, organization, or community to its subscribers
What is a "newsletter"?
A newsletter is a regularly distributed publication that provides information, updates, and news about a specific topic, organization, or interest. It is typically sent out to a subscribed audience via email or printed format, and it often includes articles, announcements, and other content relevant to the readers. Newsletters are used by businesses, schools, nonprofits, and other groups to communicate with members, customers, or supporters, keeping them informed about recent developments, upcoming events, or important news. They are usually brief, focused, and designed to engage the audience with relevant content.
I receive a weekly newsletter from my favorite online store with updates on new products and discounts.
She signed up for the neighborhood newsletter to learn about upcoming community events.
The company sends out a newsletter every month to keep employees informed about the latest news and events.

Blízká Slova