režim, způsob
how something is done or how it happens
the value that appears most frequently in a data set
mod, hudební modus
a specific arrangement of tones and semitones that create a distinctive scale pattern
What is a "mode"?
A mode is a type of scale that provides a specific set of musical notes and their order, creating different moods or characteristics. Modes are based on the same set of notes as a major or minor scale but start from different points within that scale. For example, the Ionian mode is the same as the major scale, while the Dorian mode starts from the second note of the major scale and has a distinct sound. Modes help to define the tonal color and emotional quality of a piece of music.
The composer utilized the Dorian mode to evoke a sense of melancholy in the piece.
Modal interchange involves borrowing chords from different modes to create harmonic interest.
The Phrygian mode imparts a distinctive Spanish flavor to flamenco music.
modus, režim
a classification of propositions on the basis of whether they claim necessity or possibility or impossibility
gramatický mód, slovesný mód
verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speaker
móda, režim
a particular functioning condition or arrangement

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