klávesnice, klávesová deska
synthesizér, klávesy
What is a "keyboard"?
A keyboard is an electronic musical instrument with keys similar to those on a piano, capable of producing a wide range of sounds. It can simulate various instruments and effects, allowing musicians to explore different tones and styles. The keyboard's versatility makes it suitable for many musical genres, as it can create everything from traditional piano sounds to electronic and synthesized effects.
klávesnice, klavírní klávesy
What is a "keyboard"?
A keyboard is a set of keys on a musical instrument that are pressed to produce notes. Found in instruments like pianos, organs, and synthesizers, the keyboard layout typically consists of a series of white and black keys arranged in a repeating pattern. Each key corresponds to a different pitch, and pressing a key activates mechanisms that produce sound, allowing musicians to play melodies, chords, and harmonies. The design and number of keys can vary depending on the instrument, affecting its range and capabilities.
klávesnice, záves pro klíče
word family