অনুসন্ধান করুন
গেমবিট, উত্তেজক চাল
(chess) an opening strategy in which a player voluntarily sacrifices a pawn or sometimes a more valuable piece, typically in the early moves of the game
What is a "gambit"?
In chess, a gambit is an opening strategy where a player sacrifices a pawn or another small piece to gain an advantage, such as better positioning, faster development of pieces, or creating attacking chances. The opponent must decide whether to accept the gambit by capturing the offered piece or decline it to avoid falling into a trap. Gambits are often used to put pressure on the opponent early in the game, forcing them to respond carefully. Successful gambits can lead to strong attacks, while poorly executed ones may leave the player at a disadvantage.
গেমবিট, কৌশলগত পদক্ষেপ
a strategic action or remark that is used to gain an advantage, particularly in the early stages of a situation, game, conversation, etc.
His opening gambit in the negotiation set the tone for a successful deal.
Her clever gambit in the conversation shifted the focus to her key points.
নেতৃত্বদানকারী মন্তব্য, গোচর
a remark made to start or continue a conversation, often used to steer the conversation in a particular direction
word family