অনুসন্ধান করুন
Computer programmer
/kəmpjˈuːtə pɹˈəʊɡɹamə/
/kəmpjˈuːɾɚ pɹˈoʊɡɹæmɚ/
Computer programmer
কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামার, সফটওয়্যার প্রোগ্রামার
a professional who writes and tests code for computer software, applications, and systems
computer programmer
Computer programmers encode sensitive information to protect it from unauthorized access.
The technical jargon used by computer programmers is like Greek to most people.
As a non-technical person in a room full of computer programmers, I felt like a dying duck in a thunderstorm during the coding conference.