অনুসন্ধান করুন
Emergency vehicle
জরুরী যানবাহন, অপরাধ দমন বাহন
a vehicle used by emergency services such as police, fire departments, or medical services to respond to urgent situations
What is an "emergency vehicle"?
An emergency vehicle is a vehicle used to respond quickly to emergencies, such as accidents, fires, medical emergencies, or natural disasters. These vehicles include ambulances, fire trucks, police cars, and rescue vehicles. They are equipped with special tools and often feature sirens and flashing lights to alert other drivers and pedestrians to make way for them. Emergency vehicles are built to handle urgent situations, allowing first responders to reach their destinations quickly and safely.
The fire department dispatched several emergency vehicles to the scene of the accident.
Police officers arrived in their emergency vehicles to handle the disturbance downtown.

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