تدخل, تحكم
the action of interjecting or interposing an action or remark that interrupts
التداخل, التوسط
the act or fact of interposing one thing between or among others
التدخل, وضع
the placement of an element, typically a word or phrase, between other elements in a sentence, disrupting the typical linear order of constituents
What is "interposition"?
Interposition is a grammatical phenomenon where an element, such as a word or phrase, is inserted into a sentence to add information or modify the meaning without altering the overall structure of the sentence. This can occur with various parts of speech, including adjectives, adverbs, or additional phrases, often placed between the subject and the verb or within the verb phrase. For example, in the sentence "She, unexpectedly, arrived late," the adverb "unexpectedly" is interposed between the subject "she" and the verb "arrived." Understanding interposition is important for enhancing sentence clarity and detail while maintaining proper grammatical structure.

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