خيط الأسنان, فُتيل
a soft thread for cleaning the spaces between the teeth
رقصة فلوص, حركة فلوص
a hip hop dance move with rapid hip and arm swings in opposite directions, often seen in street dance styles
What is the "floss"?
The floss is a popular dance move that became widely known through social media and viral videos. It involves swinging your hips and arms while moving your hands back and forth, simulating a brushing or flossing motion. To perform the floss, you start with your arms and hands extended outward, then bring them together and swing them back out to the sides, all while moving your hips in rhythm. The dance is often done to upbeat music and is characterized by its simple yet energetic movements. It is popular at parties, school events, and in dance challenges.
خيط التطريز, خيط ناعم
a soft loosely twisted thread used in embroidery
to floss
يستخدم خيط الأسنان, يتمخض بالخيط
to clean between teeth using a thin thread or similar tool
Transitive: to floss teeth
She flosses her teeth every night before bed to remove food particles and plaque.
He flosses between each tooth to maintain oral hygiene and prevent cavities.
The dentist recommends flossing at least once a day to promote gum health.