طَائِرَة (Tā'irah), سرب (Sarb)
هروب, فرار
سرب طائرات, تشكيل طائرات
سلمة, درجات
What is a "flight"?
A flight refers to a continuous series of steps or stairs between two landings in a staircase. This term describes the entire run of stairs without any breaks, typically connecting different levels of a building. A flight can vary in length and number of steps, depending on the height it needs to cover. In architectural design, flights can be straight, curved, or L-shaped, depending on the layout of the space. The design of a flight is important for safety and ease of movement, ensuring that users can ascend or descend comfortably and securely.
جناح, طيران
تحليق, طيران
مسار, رحلة
تَحلُق, تطير
تزيين بالريش, تطيير بالريش
إطلاق, تصويب
word family