تعليق, ملاحظة
a spoken or written remark that expresses an opinion or reaction
What is a "comment"?
A comment is a written message or statement made in response to something, such as a post, photo, or video on social media or a website. It allows individuals to share their thoughts, opinions, or feedback about the content. Comments can be positive, negative, or neutral and often encourage discussion or interaction. On social media platforms, users can leave comments to express their feelings, ask questions, or engage in conversations with others.
He replied to my comment with a detailed explanation.
I always read the comments to see what others think about the article.
I received comments from friends who enjoyed my travel photos.
تعليق, ملاحظة
a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
تعليق, ملاحظة
a remark or report, often critical or malicious, made about the behavior, actions, or characteristics of others
She made a snide comment about his appearance, which left everyone in the room uncomfortable.
The gossip column was filled with comments about the celebrity's personal life, sparking controversy.
He ignored the hurtful comments his coworkers made about his work ethic.
to comment
علق, أعرب عن رأيه في
to express one's opinion about something or someone
Intransitive: to comment on sth
After reading the article, she decided to comment on the author's perspective and add her own insights.
Viewers were encouraged to watch the video and comment on their favorite parts or share their thoughts.
During the meeting, participants were invited to comment on the proposed changes to the project plan.
علق, فسر
to explain or annotate something
As I read the novel, I could n't help but comment in the margins, noting my thoughts and reactions.
After reading the article, the professor commented extensively in the margins.
The researcher carefully commented throughout the report, adding footnotes for references and clarifications.

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