Broad jump
قفزة واسعة, قفز بعيد
the act of jumping as far as possible from a running start
قفزة طويلة, قفزة عرضية
a track and field event where athletes jump forward from a standing position, aiming for distance rather than height
What is the "broad jump"?
The broad jump is a field event where an athlete attempts to jump as far as possible from a standing or running start. The goal is to leap forward into a sandpit, with the distance measured from the takeoff point to where the athlete's closest body part touches the sand. Athletes must focus on speed, technique, and strength to achieve the longest jump. The event tests an athlete's ability to generate power through their legs and maintain proper form while airborne, aiming for maximum distance.
He set a new personal record in the broad jump at the track meet.
The athlete 's broad jump technique helped him win the gold medal.
Participants in the decathlon compete in events like the broad jump.

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