Pachyonychia congenita

Pachyonychia congenita
التهاب الأظافر الخلقي, مرض التهاب الأظافر الوراثي
a rare genetic disorder that affects the nails and can cause thickened, abnormally shaped nails, as well as other skin and oral abnormalities
What is "pachyonychia congenita"?
Pachyonychia congenita is a rare genetic disorder that primarily affects the skin and nails. It is characterized by thickened nails, painful blisters and calluses on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, and other skin abnormalities. This condition is caused by changes in certain genes that affect the skin's structure and function. Symptoms of pachyonychia congenita can vary widely in severity, and may also include cysts, which is white patches on the tongue and mouth, and dental problems. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and may include pain relief, customized footwear to reduce pressure on the feet, and other supportive measures.

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