to put towards
[phrase form: put]
يخصص, يدخر
to set aside or use money for a specific purpose or expense
I've been saving to put money toward my college tuition.
لقد كنت أدخر النقود لتخصيصها لرسوم كليتي.
They generously put $5,000 toward the charity event.
لقد خصصوا بسخاء 5000 دولار لحدث الجمعيات الخيرية.
كرّس, خصص
to dedicate or use effort, time, or resources for a specific purpose or goal
She put a lot of effort towards preparing for the exam.
كرّست الكثير من الجهد للتحضير للاختبار.
The team put their resources towards developing a new product.
كرّس الفريق موارده لتطوير منتج جديد.

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