The ancient ruins provide insights into millennial civilizations.
The millennial oak tree stood as a symbol of endurance and strength.
The historian studied millennial trends in climate change over the past thousand years.
جيل الألفية, شباب الألفية
related to or belonging to the generation of people born between the 1980s and 1990s
Millennial consumers are driving trends in online shopping and social media marketing.
Many millennial voters prioritize issues like climate change and student loan reform.
The millennial workforce values flexibility and work-life balance over traditional benefits.
ألفي, millennium
referring to the belief in a future age of peace and happiness, often associated with the return of Christ to earth
Many religious groups hold millennial beliefs, anticipating a time of peace and divine rule on Earth.
The preacher spoke passionately about the coming millennial kingdom where justice and harmony would prevail.
His writings reflect a millennial vision of hope and renewal for humanity.
جيل الألفية, الشاب الألفي
someone who is part of the generational group born between approximately 1981 and 1996
As a millennial, she grew up with the rise of the internet and smartphones.
Many millennials are now entering their peak career years and starting families.
Studies show that millennials value experiences over material possessions.

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