علاقة سرية
a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship
صلة, ارتباط
a channel for communication between groups
a mixture of eggs, cream, or other ingredients used to thicken sauces or soups, often providing a smooth and rich texture
What is "liaison"?
Liaison refers to a mixture used to thicken and enrich sauces, soups, and other dishes. It typically consists of a combination of egg yolks and cream or stock. The liaison is added towards the end of cooking and gently heated, allowing it to blend into the dish and create a smooth and velvety texture. It imparts a rich and luxurious mouthfeel to the preparation, enhancing its overall taste and appearance. The liaison acts as a binding agent, giving the dish a luscious and creamy consistency, making it an essential element in various classic culinary recipes.
The liaison officer was the main link between the police and the local community.
Her language proficiency and cultural knowledge fit her for the role of international liaison.
In the art world, a brokerage can act as a liaison between collectors and artists, arranging sales and acquisitions of valuable pieces.
The chef prepared a creamy mushroom soup by adding a liaison of egg yolks and heavy cream.
The liaison of tomato paste and broth added depth and richness to the hearty stew.