The king ruled over the kingdom with wisdom and compassion.
حكم الملك المملكة بحكمة ورحمة.
The portrait of the king hung prominently in the grand hall of the palace.
صورة الملك معلقة بشكل بارز في القاعة الكبرى للقصر.
ملك الشطرنج, الملك
a chess piece that is the most important and able to move in any direction but one square at a time
What is the "king"?
The king is the most important piece in chess, and the game ends when a player's king is checkmated. It can move one square in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Although the king is not very mobile or powerful compared to other pieces, its safety is crucial. A player must always ensure their king is protected from being captured, as placing the king in a position where it can be captured is called check. The king also participates in a special move called castling, which helps safeguard it by moving it to a less vulnerable position.
ملك الأعمال, عملاق الأعمال
a very wealthy or powerful businessman
ملك, متفوق
a competitor who holds a preeminent position
ملك (ملك ورق الشدة), ورقة الملك
a card with a rank of thirteen in a standard deck of playing cards, often depicted as a male figure with a crown and a special value or power in many card games
ملك, قائد
a checker that has been moved to the opponent's first row where it is promoted to a piece that is free to move either forward or backward
ملك, سيد
preeminence in a particular category or group or field

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