a strong, addictive drug made from morphine, usually used by injecting or snorting for its powerful euphoric effects
What is "heroin"?
Heroin is a highly addictive drug made from morphine, which is a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the Asian opium poppy plant. It is typically found as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance known as black tar heroin. Heroin can be injected, snorted, or smoked, and it quickly enters the brain where it attaches to specific receptors, causing intense feelings of pleasure, joy, and excitement. This drug also slows down the central nervous system, leading to reduced breathing, heart rate, and mental function. Long-term heroin use can lead to addiction and severe health problems including respiratory issues, infections, and overdose. Heroin use is illegal in most countries because of its extremely addictive nature and harmful effects on health and well-being.