coexistence in peace and agreement
What is "harmony"?
Harmony in music refers to the combination of different notes played or sung at the same time to create a pleasing sound. It involves the use of chords and the way they interact with each other to support and enhance the melody. Harmony adds depth and richness to music, contributing to its emotional and expressive qualities. By layering multiple notes together, harmony creates a sense of structure and balance, enriching the overall musical experience.
a pleasing combination of things in a way that forms a coherent whole
What is "harmony"?
Harmony in design refers to the pleasing arrangement of elements to create a sense of togetherness and balance. It involves blending colors, shapes, and textures so that they work well together, creating a smooth and visually satisfying effect. Harmony helps ensure that different parts of a design complement each other, adding to an attractive overall appearance.
an agreeable sound property
agreement of opinions