British pronunciation/kˈʌtə‍lfɪʃ/
American pronunciation/ˈkətəɫˌfɪʃ/

Definition & Meaning of "cuttlefish"


a marine creature with eight arms and two longer tentacles and an internal flat shell, which produces an ink-like substance when in danger

cuttlefish definition and meaning

What is a "cuttlefish"?

A cuttlefish is a marine mollusk that belongs to the same family as squids and octopuses. They have a unique ability to rapidly change the color and pattern of their skin, allowing them to camouflage and communicate with other individuals. Cuttlefish have a soft body enclosed in a calcified shell called a cuttlebone, which helps control their buoyancy. They are highly intelligent and exhibit complex behaviors, including hunting prey, mating displays, and intricate communication through visual signals. With their mesmerizing appearance and fascinating abilities, cuttlefish are captivating creatures of the ocean.

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