backhanded compliment
a comment that seemingly praises someone but is actually intended to insult them
What is the origin of the idiom "backhanded compliment" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "backhanded compliment" is not tied to a specific historical event or source but rather emerges from the concept of delivering praise in a way that conceals criticism or negative intent. The term "backhanded" draws from the idea of using the back of one's hand, a less direct and more subtle approach, as opposed to a straightforward or open-handed compliment. It is commonly used in everyday conversations, interpersonal relationships, social gatherings, workplace settings, and even in discussions about public figures or public statements.
She gave him a backhanded compliment by saying his presentation was " cute " instead of acknowledging its quality.
When Jane received a backhanded compliment about her appearance, she knew her coworker was subtly criticizing her outfit.
Mark's so-called praise for his friend's cooking, " It's not as bad as I expected, " was a classic example of a back-handed compliment.

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