A trip to the sun
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British pronunciation/ɐ tɹˈɪp tə ðə sˈʌn/
American pronunciation/ɐ tɹˈɪp tə ðə sˈʌn/

something that seems impossible to occur

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a trip to the sun definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "a trip to the sun" and when to use it?

The phrase "a trip to the sun" is an idiomatic expression that signifies an impossible or absurd endeavor. It's used to emphasize that a proposed action or idea is so unrealistic or unattainable that it's akin to suggesting a journey to the sun, which is physically impossible. The origin of this phrase is not precisely documented, but it likely developed from the impracticality of reaching the sun due to its extreme heat and the technological limitations of space travel.

Trying to finish a month's worth of work in a single day seemed as challenging as planning a trip to the sun.
Her dream of becoming a famous singer overnight was compared to desiring a trip to the sun, both unattainable.
Suggesting a picnic in the middle of a thunderstorm was considered the equivalent of planning a trip to the sun in terms of impracticality.
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Meaning of "A trip to the sun"
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