The lesser of two evils

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British pronunciation/ðə lˈɛsəɹ ɒv tˈuː ˈiːvəlz/
American pronunciation/ðə lˈɛsɚɹ ʌv tˈuː ˈiːvəlz/
the lesser of two evils

a choice or option that seems less harmful or unpleasant out of two that one is confronted with

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the lesser of two evils definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "the lesser of two evils" and when to use it?

The idiom "the lesser of two evils" can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophy, particularly the works of Aristotle. Aristotle introduced the concept of "choosing the lesser of two evils" as a means of ethical decision-making. However, the exact phrase itself gained popularity in English literature during the 19th century. It was used by various authors and thinkers to describe the act of selecting the option that is perceived to have the least negative consequences when faced with two unfavorable choices.

The company had to decide between laying off employees or reducing salaries, opting for the lesser of two evils to minimize the impact on the workforce.
In the election, voters felt they had to choose the lesser of two evils, as both candidates had significant flaws.
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Definition & Meaning of "The lesser of two evils"
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