Zygomatic bone

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British pronunciation/zˌaɪɡəmˈatɪk bˈəʊn/
American pronunciation/zˌaɪɡəmˈæɾɪk bˈoʊn/
Zygomatic bone

a facial bone that contributes to the structure of the cheek and forms part of the eye socket

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zygomatic bone definition and meaning

What is "zygomatic bone"?

The zygomatic bone, also known as the cheekbone, is a facial bone located on each side of the face. It contributes to the prominent structure of the cheek, connecting the temporal bone to the maxilla. The zygomatic bone plays a crucial role in facial contour and aesthetics, giving definition to the midface. It also protects the underlying structures, such as the eyes and the upper jaw, and provides attachment points for facial muscles involved in chewing and facial expressions. Additionally, the zygomatic bone plays a part in forming the boundaries of the orbit, supporting the positioning and movement of the eyes.

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