to wean
to gradually reduce or stop a baby's dependency on breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, introducing them to other foods and drinks
Transitive: to wean a baby
Parents often choose a specific time to wean their babies from breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.
Pediatricians provide guidance on the best practices for weaning infants and introducing a variety of foods.
The decision to wean a child depends on individual circumstances, including the child's development and the family's needs.
to detach or separate someone's affections or dependence from a particular person, thing, or habit
Transitive: to wean oneself from sth | to wean sb from sth
The counselor helps individuals wean themselves from toxic relationships by fostering self-confidence and independence.
She successfully weaned her friend from a harmful addiction by providing support and encouragement throughout the process.
Tomorrow, he will begin the journey to wean himself from excessive social media use, aiming for a healthier balance in his life.