Blood test

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British pronunciation/blˈʌd tˈɛst/
American pronunciation/blˈʌd tˈɛst/
Blood test

a medical examination in which a small amount of blood is taken from a person to find out if they have any diseases or health conditions

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blood test definition and meaning

What is a "blood test"?

A blood test is a medical procedure where a small sample of blood is taken from the body to be analyzed in a lab. It helps doctors check for various health conditions, measure how well organs like the liver and kidneys are working, and see if treatments are effective. Blood tests can identify infections, monitor chronic diseases, and check for substances like glucose, cholesterol, and hormones. The sample is usually taken from a vein in the arm using a needle, and the procedure is quick and rather painless.

CMV diagnosis involves blood tests for antibodies or the virus itself.
The nurse skillfully inserted the needle into the patient's arm for a blood test.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing involves blood tests, urine samples, or swabs.
Vet diagnosis involves clinical signs and blood tests for anaplasmosis.
Early diagnosis through blood tests is crucial for effective treatment of sleeping sickness.
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Definition & Meaning of "Blood test"
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