Under the weather

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British pronunciation/ˌʌndə ðə wˈɛðə/
American pronunciation/ˌʌndɚ ðə wˈɛðɚ/
under the weather

feeling unwell or slightly ill

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under the weather definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "under the weather" and when to use it?

The idiom "under the weather" has origins in the sailing world and dates back to the 18th century. It originated from sailors who would often feel sick or unwell due to rough weather conditions, which could cause them to feel unwell or seasick. The phrase evolved to describe someone who is feeling sick or not in good health. It is used to indicate that someone is feeling unwell or experiencing a mild illness. It suggests a temporary state of physical discomfort or sickness.

Feeling under the weather, she decided to skip her morning workout routine.
When I feel under the weather, a warm cup of grapefruit tea provides a comforting embrace.
Emily wasn't feeling well and decided to stay home from work, as she was under the weather with a bad cold.
Despite feeling a little under the weather, Tom still managed to attend the meeting and contribute to the discussion.
They were feeling a bit under the weather, so they brewed a cup of licorice tea to soothe their sore throat.
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Definition & Meaning of "Under the weather"
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