to stomp
to tread heavily and forcefully, often with a rhythmic or deliberate motion
Intransitive: to stomp | to stomp somewhere
The toddler gleefully stomped in the puddles after the rain, splashing water everywhere.
The angry elephant showed its displeasure by stomping on the ground with its massive feet.
The angry child proceeded to stomp away from the playground.
a rhythmic dance characterized by heavy footfalls and percussive movements
What is "stomp"?
Stomp is a dance style where dancers create rhythmic sounds by forcefully striking the ground with their feet. The movements are typically loud and strong, emphasizing a steady beat and often incorporating energetic, repetitive steps. Stomp dancing is known for its rhythmic and beat-focused quality, with dancers using their whole bodies to add to the rhythm, creating a dynamic and engaging performance. It can be performed solo or in groups, and it often features powerful, rhythmic patterns.
The performers dazzled the audience with their energetic stomp routine, creating an electrifying atmosphere with their synchronized footwork.
Stomp originated from street dance culture, with dancers using their bodies as instruments to create complex rhythms and beats through stomping, clapping, and slapping.
Stomp has evolved into a popular form of urban dance, with dancers blending elements of hip-hop, tap, and African dance to create captivating performances that resonate with audiences worldwide.