What is "spleen"?
The spleen is a large organ located in the upper left abdomen. It serves as a vital part of the immune system, playing multiple roles in the body's defense against infections. The spleen acts as a filter for the blood, removing old or damaged red blood cells and capturing and destroying bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances. Additionally, the spleen stores and produces white blood cells and platelets, which are crucial for fighting infections and maintaining healthy blood circulation. It also plays a role in the production of antibodies and the removal of cellular debris. The spleen is an essential organ for immune function and overall health.
a feeling of resentful anger
Peter vented his spleen on his car by kicking it when it broke down.
I listened patiently while she vented her spleen.
The lifespan of a red blood cell is typically around 120 days before it is removed from circulation by the spleen.
Mom's been venting her spleen to me for an hour already.
Jack vented his spleen at his wife whenever things went badly at work.